Individual tree heterozygosity genodive
Individual tree heterozygosity genodive

individual tree heterozygosity genodive

In addition the journal publishes opinion pieces, book reviews and in memoria. The journal receives contributions from a diverse group of international authors from academia, government agencies, and land managers. Special thematic issues and proceedings are encouraged. Papers may be uni- or multidisciplinary but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Many of these papers synthesize a variety of disciplines including ecology, climatology, geomorphology, glaciology, hydrology, paleoceanography, biogeochemistry, and social science. AAAR publishes peer-reviewed interdisciplinary papers including original research papers, short communications and review articles. Rapid environmental change occurring in cold regions today highlights the global importance of this research. The mission of Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research (AAAR) is to advance understanding of cold region environments by publishing original scientific research from past, present and future high-latitude and mountain regions. 2.0b17 (Meirmans & Van Tienderen, 2004) to calculate the following genetic parameters of the Niseko and five other northern populations: the number of different alleles (N A), the effective number of alleles (N EF 1/p i 2, where p i is the frequency of the ith allele (Kimura & Crow, 1964)), observed heterozygosity (H. The implications of these results for forest structure and succession are discussed. The differences in heterozygosity might be attributed to the enzyme loci involved in regulatory functions. Mean annual incremental growth was most strongly associated with heterozygosity at the G6PD, ADH, ALD, and G2DH loci growth rates were higher in heterozygotes than homozygotes. There was also a positive correlation between growth and the degree of heterozygosity when clones were grouped into heterozygosity classes. A positive correlation was found between an individual tree's growth rate and its degree of heterozygosity after controlling for environmental influence. Multiple correlation of mean annual incremental growth in relation to elevation, aspect, exposure, slope, slope position, and age of the oldest standing ramet explained 56% of the variability in growth. The relationship between mean annual incremental growth, habitat heterogeneity and heterozygosity at 14 polymorphic loci was studied in a natural population of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the premontane-montane region of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada.

Individual tree heterozygosity genodive